Sam Kris

Guitar Improvisioneer / Cinematic Interactor / Word Composer

Delusion of Powerlessness


December 31, 2022 (Updated May 20, 2024)

We were taught, that happy people are those, who don’t try to influence on things, that they can’t change. Instead, we were taught, that happy people are those, who try to influence only on things, that they can change.

How do you know, what things you can change and what not before you have tried to influence on those things?

When an individual starts to think, that one can’t change some things, an individual accepts those things, even if they are harmful. An individual starts to adapt to a situation. An individual tries to exclude oneself from the bad influence of those things.

Delusion of powerlessness is dangerous.

Adapting to a harmful situation leads to loneliness and isolation. When many individuals begin to take care of only themselves, situations will become difficult for everyone. Not only for you.

Delusion of powerlessness leads to weak ethics and morality. Weak moral judgement leads to separation between groups of people. Separation leads to indifference. Indifference leads to loneliness of many individuals. Eventually loneliness leads to destruction. Loneliness of individuals leads to destruction of the society.

Let’s try to prevent destruction!
Powerlessness is a delusion!

However, to break free from the delusion and to change the world we must have a strong sense of justice and fairness. Oppression is not acceptable. Discrimination is not acceptable.

Love is acceptable.
Love is not a delusion.

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