Sam Kris

Guitar Improvisioneer / Cinematic Interactor / Word Composer


In a film,
images, music and words may live together.
They can even have a dialogue with each other.
There are many possibilities for interaction.
In life.

Using cinematic narration I’m trying to explore possibilities for combining images, music and words. I’m trying to create the feeling of balance or dialogue between these elements. One will not be serving the other. Rather, they will speak to each other.

For example, if one element is in a lower position and its affect decreases, the influence of that element could be brought up later. The effect and meaning of the artistic elements are changeable and variable, when they are in interaction with each other. A complementarity is possible.

Characters are not elements. They are persons with unique appearance, looks, features and expressions. Even a monologue is a dialogue at least with the viewer of the film. In a dialogue with two characters one may be serving the other, which immediately creates drama.

If two people are in conflicting relation with each other, the third person can help them to achieve equality and balance. In that kind of situation, is that third person in a lower or higher position in relation to the other two people? More accurately, does the individuality and personality of the third person stay obscured or become more prominent in relation to the other two people?

Obscured personality creates more authority. Visible personality creates more trust. In any case, obscured or visible lying breaks the trust and authority.

Do you think, that you can help someone by obscuring your personality or by making it visible? Do you think, that you can make an impression on someone by acting a role or being real? In a world, where we are forced to act roles, is it necessary to create liberating roles for being real?

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must make a film.


Kaipuu (Longing), released in May 2022.

Joskus on niin vaikeaa elää tässä päivässä, että on mentävä eteenpäin.

A longing for the future, a longing for the past. It can be hard to live today.

Production and realization: Sam Kris
Camera: Sony A7
Lens: Samyang 35mm

You can watch the film on:



A few words about the film Kaipuu:

I had no script. I had no story.
I had a camera. I had a need to capture images using the camera.

I had a feeling, that there was a story.
I had an intuition, that the story will emerge from the images.

After I had captured the images, I started to search for the story.
Slowly, editing the images, the story emerged from the images.
I found the story, that was hidden in the images.


Mennyt (Bygone), released in June 2021.

A short film about things that pass. A conversation between stillness and movement.

This film was made in collaboration with Iiro Reijonen.

Three elements (images, music, words) are interacting in this film. The goal was to create the overall tone of the film by their complementary influence on each other.

Cinematography, editing, voice-over & music: Sam Kris
Text & music: Iiro Reijonen

Camera: Sony A7
Lens: Samyang 35mm

You can watch the film on Vimeo:

Cinematic Exposure and Expression

I graduated (Master of Arts, 2002) in University of Art and Design (Helsinki), specializing in cinematography. I’ve been working as a cinematographer in many short films and documentaries.

Some excerpts of my cinematography in short films directed by Salla Tykkä:






Airs Above the Ground
