Sam Kris

Guitar Improvisioneer / Cinematic Interactor / Word Composer

Free Rock

Free Rock is music. Free Rock is philosophy. Free Rock is a mindset and a concept for creative expression. Free Rock Music is based on willpower chords, intersubjective improvisation, theory of dignity for notes and faith in creative spirit.

Free Rock Artistic Artillery and Creative Power

Free Rock Artistic Artillery (previously Sisu Rock Artistic Artillery) was established in February 2024 for protecting humanity, human dignity and creativity. It’s armed with artistic cannons, that can fire amazingly impressive power chords (voimasoinnut). In addition to traditional power chords, that don’t have major or minor third intervals at all, artillery’s weaponry includes also willpower chords (tahdonvoimasoinnut). The most intense willpower chord is Hendrix chord (for example E7#9), because it has both major and minor third intervals in it. With this simultaneously “bipolar” or “subversive” function it’s especially useful for fighting against bad psychiatrists. Hendrix chord is toxic harmony for them.

Along with power chords and willpower chords Free Rock’s artistic force has a fighting strategy and technique called Intersubjective Improvisation. It’s based on Theory of Dignity for Notes (Sävelarvoteoria). Using dignity of notes Free Rock Artistic Artillery is able to create totally new and surprising willpower chords, awesome melodic structures and expressions for each fight. With Intersubjective Improvisation it’s possible to achieve intersubjectivity of emotions, that creates understanding and connection between people. Artistic impact, transference and countertransference will be created with a solid rock’n’roll attitude.

Although Free Rock is based on free improvisation, it’s not free jazz. However, John Coltrane’s free jazz and his spectacular creative energy have deeply influenced the development of Free Rock. Because free improvisation is ultimately rebellious and disobedient activity, it must belong to rock music too. Free Jazz is jazz. Free Rock is rock. Free Rock is not even “underground” music. It’s on-the-ground music, because it’s meant to reach not only underground people but anyone on the ground or even high above the ground as well.

Free Rock Artistic Artillery is a defender of truth, love, interaction, creativity, expression and uniqueness of everyone, who is in danger of losing those essential qualities of life, or who has been already treated badly. Equipped with lots of willpower, Free Rock Artistic Artillery is a strong and fearless defender. It’s constructed for creating the meaning for the future – the future with truth and love.

Free Rock is not disconnected from society. It’s a protest against economical conditions and power structures, that limit your creative interaction and truthful expression. Free Rock means disobedience of following normativity and refusal of conformity, that block your freedom to live a creative life with love. Free Rockers of Free Rock Artistic Artillery are lovers of creation, who fight against discrimination, indifference, oppressive power and loneliness. For Free Rockers creation is not production. It’s realization. It’s action and interaction. Free Rockers are rebels in a world, where creativity and individuality depend on economic requirements, success in the competition, merits and artificial qualifications. In a world, where justification of life and realization of love depend on economics, lovers of creation are rebels.

A Free Rocker cries out the pain of loneliness for you, so that you wouldn’t have to cry in loneliness anymore.

As a rebellious philosophy Free Rock is also a mindset for realizing creation and expression. Free Rock Creative Power represents faith in creative spirit, that makes connections for each other of us. Everyone is creative. Everyone is unique. Everyone needs ways to express emotions, thoughts and ideas. Expression of personality and subjective emotions is essential for creating and maintaining connection with other people.

Anyway, expressing emotions can be difficult. Obstacles for expression can be enormous. Also obstacles for understanding can be massive. However, when other people express their emotions, we should try to understand it. If we can’t understand, what they are saying, we can ask: “What do you mean?” Words can have different meanings. Words can have prejudiced meanings. If we can’t make our own emotions and thoughts to become understood, we should not give up trying.

Each one of us should find creative personal ways for expressing emotions, thoughts and ideas. We should not be prisoners of closed-minded patterns. We should neither be prisoners of the past, that prevents us from growing and living personally creative life. The past can be a heavy burden, but human dignity is the solid rock foundation for all of us. Dignity should be permanent and eternal for everyone’s life. No one is allowed to use explosives or any other bad treatment for destroying anyone’s inviolable human dignity. Human dignity is the root note, that makes possible our freedom for creation. It’s the root note for morality. It’s the root note, that we should be able to trust in any storm and chaos.

Chords are based on roots, but chords can change. Chords are changing resonances of life. Chords are composed with notes. One note is not yet a chord. One note is not yet a melody. One chord or one melody is not yet a life.

Interplay of notes builds up creation. It creates expression. It creates life with other people. Unions of notes form dissonances and consonances, that express emotions and thoughts. Creatively expressed emotions become intersubjective reality, that is essential for life. You can’t deny your emotions. Emotions are real. Neither should anyone deny your emotions as unreal or based on illusions. When personality is expressed and emotions are shared, each one’s similarity and uniqueness with each other become the root note of reality.

The most basic fundamental root note of life is Earth. Earth is rock. Earth is free. Your creative heart is a heart on Earth. Within your creative heart is faith in yourself and faith in others, which makes you real for yourself and for others. Reality is other people. Therefore I am real for you and you are real for me.

With everyone’s free heart and with faith in each other’s creative spirit we can create the future relying on reality and expression. With creativity we can reveal the mystery. With creativity we can tell the truth.

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof on must create music without words.

Improvising Free Rock Guitarist is sincerely ready to rock for you.

Sam Kris, January 1, 2025


See also:

Declaration of Creation

We Need More Art-Fighters

About the Cat

About Uniqueness

Puheen jatkaminen (Only in Finnish)

Sävelarvoteoria (Only in Finnish)