This series of plants, flowers and trees was originally published on my Instagram-profile one picture at a time. Each picture has a scientific Latin plant name, a date and a description. June-December 2022.
Camera: iPhone

July 30, 2022
Acer platanoides. Contemporary architecture in the background. There are sewing machines inside that building. There are some other things too.

August 1, 2022
Quercus robur. A simulation in the background. Sorry, it’s art in the background. Sorry, I’m a little confused today.

August 1, 2022
Betula pendula. Something familiar in the background. There was someone, somewhere, someday.

August 3, 2022
I found a Salix in the middle of the town, but it looks a little different because it’s not Salix fragilis. Hello, Salix alba. You are beautiful too. Can’t see very much anything in the background.

August 3, 2022
Quercus robur, again. Contemporary architecture in the background, again. I’m here, again. The sewing machines are still there, I guess. (A note: I did some sewing recently, but didn’t need a machine for it.)

August 8, 2022
Tanacetum vulgare. Someone, somewhere, someday in the background. Obviously it keeps coming back and messing up this beautiful series of plants. Sorry, can’t help it.

August 8, 2022
Baltic sea. Oh yeah, it’s Elaeagnus angustifolia in the foreground! Almost forgot to mention that.

August 9, 2022
Canna indica. Contemporary architecture in the background. I was trying to be funny a few days ago. There are only few sewing machines inside that building. A lot more of books. Books full of stories.

August 9, 2022
An impressive Acer platanoides with a massive choir and orchestra performing glorious music for it in the background. An elevation.

August 13, 2022
Many shaped Salix albas. I’m a little confused again. Actually, I’m very much confused. I must continue my daily walk immediately.
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