Bogdo Ula started as a duo. On the first three Bogdo Ula albums you can hear only guitar and drums. In 2010 Bogdo Ula got a bass player and became a trio. Bogdo Ula has released ten albums during years 2008-2020. Bogdo Ula uses free improvisation as a tool to express impressions, sensations and emotions.
Bogdo Ula members are:
Sam Kris (guitar)
Ivan Horder (drums)
Jean Ruin (bass).

First Class Space / 2020 / BOGCD008

Dangerous Landscape / 2017 / BOGDD002

Cult of the Harmonic Oscillation / 2014 / BOGDD001

The Return of the Sons of Ra / 2013 / BOGCD007 / BOGLP001

Crash Canis Majoris / 2012 / BOGCD006

Prisoners of Freedom / 2011 / BOGCD005

Charge / 2010 / BOGCD004

Aerograd / 2009 / BOGCD003

Anyan Fields / 2009 / BOGCD002

From Distance to You / 2008 / BOGCD001

The Mountains of Karelia / 2018 / BOGDD003

Selected music
“Best of Bogdo Ula” playlist:
There are 12 tracks on that list. If you are in a hurry (I guess you are), please check out at least this exceptional track, that is only 5 minutes 33 seconds long:
If you have 5 minutes more time, please check out this guitar & drums duet track too:
If you still have as much as 8 minutes more time, please check out this intense improvisation too:
From Now On, We Move Only By Night:
If you got this far, I suppose you have 6 minutes more time for a beautiful ballad:
Now, you don’t want to miss the next incredible track neither. Because it’s in flank speed, the duration of the track is not so important:
Flank Speed:
And here you have reached the point of no return. I guess now you want to listen to every track Bogdo Ula has ever released. There is a lot more of them. And don’t forget to tell about Bogdo Ula to all your friends too!
Olympic Blues
New Bogdo Ula track released in August 1, 2022. The basic tracks for this song were improvised in 2011. The finished song is a construction. It was edited and the guitar tracks were overdubbed in 2020. It’s not a “live” recording. Who cares? Someone might care. That’s why we are revealing the secret.
Check it out on YouTube:
Olympic Green
Olympic Green is a leftover track from Cult of the Harmonic Oscillation sessions 2014, released June 8, 2022.
Bogdo Ula members gathered together again in the summer 2014. We played and recorded improvisations for our 8th album Cult of the Harmonic Oscillation.
There is a track from the 2014 sessions, that was left out from the album. I listened to the track recently. I was surprised. Why didn’t we accept it to the album back then in 2014? I don’t know why. Probably because it differs from the other tracks on the album. This track wouldn’t have fit in.
That’s an example of terrible discrimination.
It had to be released now. You can listen to this sincere improvisation right now.
While listening, I would like to encourage you to think about this question: Can you hear an emotion?
Check out on YouTube:

Sculpting out of Time – Part 2
A bonustrack from Anyan Fields -sessions.
Check out on YouTube:

Andrei Tarkovsky wrote an interesting book Sculpting in Time. It was published in 1986 (in English).
Our band Bogdo Ula played in 2008 (October 7th) an improvisation Sculpting out of Time. It was a duet, guitar and drums. It was released on Bogdo Ula album Anyan Fields (2009).
There is an alternate take of that track, that is not released before. Or is it an “alternate take”? Is it a completely different track, different improvisation? I don’t know. However, the name of the track is Sculpting out of Time – Part 2.
The name of the song has a clear meaning:
We are not playing “in time”. There is no steady beat going on. Instead, we are playing “out of time”.
If you make a movie, are you sculpting in time or out of time?
I’m just curious…
Guitar: Sam Kris
Drums: Ivan Horder
The original title of Tarkovsky’s book is “запечатленная время” (zapechatlennaya vremya).
The direct translation to English could be:
Imprinted Time / Captured Time.
Actuallly, “Sculpting in Time” means something else. In my opinion, it means “being inside time and doing something there while being inside time”. Instead, “Imprinted Time” or “Captured Time” means doing something for the time itself, trying to capture the time, trying to imprint the time.
Anyway, what is “Sculpting out of Time”?
What is it, when you are making a film?
When playing music, is it something more than just playing in “free time” (out of time)?
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