I’ve made many sound art works, that are based on my voice-over and music. They are not “radio plays”. They are poetry. They are stories. Or a combination of both. Spoken words in interaction with music. Is it “sound art” or what is it? It’s so confusing trying to fit artistic works in categories, that don’t sound right.
Today I’d like to give these works a name “short audio works”. Tomorrow I may have a better name for them.
Vasten aurinkoa
Vasten aurinkoa -series (2013) is based on (Bogdo Ula drummer) Ivan Horder’s poems and a few of my own texts. Voice-over is in Finnish. Although you wouldn’t understand Finnish language, you can listen to the tone of my voice and music. Maybe these works can give something to you without understanding a single word of Finnish.
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/samuli-kristian/sets/vasten-aurinkoa

Baudelaire: Pahan kukat
Sarja ääniteoksia, jotka pohjautuvat Charles Baudelairen runoihin. Runojen suomennokset: Antti Nylén. Sarja on julkaistu myös CD:nä (2018).
I’ve made a series of short audio works, that are based on Charles Baudelaire’s poems translated into Finnish by Antti Nylén. They are released on CD too (2018).
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/samuli-kristian/sets/baudelaire-pahan-kukat
Charles Baudelaire: Kielletyt runot
Kuusi ääniteosta, jotka on julkaistu CD:nä taiteilijakirjassa Charles Baudelaire: Kielletyt runot (2019). Runojen suomennokset: Antti Nylén.
Six pieces of short audio works, that are based on Charles Baudelaire’s poems translated into Finnish by Antti Nylén. They are originally released on CD, that is included in an artist’s book Charles Baudelaire: Kielletyt runot (2019).
Antti Nylén: https://nylen.fi/tyo/kielletyt-runot/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/samuli-kristian/sets/baudelaire-kielletyt-runot
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