The Essence of Modes – Part 4
September 2, 2022
The best major scale is Mixolydian mode. It has a lowered 7th note as opposed to a normal major scale (Ionian). That lowered 7th note brings to the sound of the scale a very special flavour.
The lowered 7th note is a deviation, a bias, a mistake. In a natural minor scale (Aeolian), the 7th note is also lowered. Mixolydian borrowed that lowered 7th from a natural minor scale. Mixolydian has a subtle nuance of a minor sale, without altering its substance into a minor scale.
A normal major scale has no mistakes. A normal major scale is accurate, perfect, flawless. That’s why a normal major scale is actually more withdrawn and isolated. Mixolydian scale has a window to a landscape. It’s a quite beautiful view. It opens up a possibility for departure, for change.
Mixolydian is a liberating possibility of opening the major, without adjusting to minor.
As an example of Mixolydian scale in action, you can watch my video Part 005 in the series 3-minute improvisations on guitar.
Part 005 on YouTube:

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